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Guide to Svadhisthana chakra, the second chakra

Guide to Svadhisthana chakra, the second chakra

Allowing yourself to grow to your fullest potential is one of the main goals in life for some people. With that in mind, if you want to start discovering yourself and live a balanced life, the best way to do so is through uncovering the powers of the chakras and nurturing them.

As you’re probably aware, the body has seven main chakras. They all pass the central vertical line down the body, starting from the head and finishing up at the base of the spine. When they are balanced, our thoughts and energy roam freely through the body in a consistent flow. For that reason, we have prepared a guide to lead you through the Svadhisthana chakra. We’ll cover everything from its meaning and characteristics to methods you can use if you’re experiencing a blockage.

the 7 chakras

What is the Sacral chakra?

The sacral chakra – 2nd chakra, or the Svadhisthana chakra, is located below the navel, in the centre of the lower part of your stomach, as well as in your back, in the lumbar spine. It is associated with the colour orange, and it is connected with the element of water.

For this chakra, it is important to visualise it in the centre rather than the front of the body. If you have difficulty doing that, just imagine a straight line going through that part of your body.

When it comes to the meaning of this chakra, it is associated with energy, sexuality, creativity, and flow. It is connected to various emotional and physical functions within the human body. The word Svadhisthana means “the dwelling place of self, ” which is exactly why it is connected with the water element. Whenever you have a balanced second chakra, a lot of good energy flows right through your body. You can experience emotional stability, pleasure, joy, love, and an overwhelming wellness feeling. Mainly, the energy point helps you in managing your own emotions, as well as the ones you get from other people.

The body feels safe, satiated, and happy whenever your emotional needs are met. On the other hand, if the sacral chakra is not balanced, then several side effects may occur in your body and your life; however, we’ll get more into that later.

What are the characteristics of the sacral chakra?

Since the 2nd chakra is based on the element of water, it is considered flowy and seamless. Due to its responsibility of dealing with emotions, this energy point is one of the most significant ones. Here are some of the characteristics that describe the sacral chakra:

  • Water element

There is a great power to flow, so this is why this element is often connected to freedom and independence. Additionally, water represents tranquillity, care and wisdom. With that in mind, when the Svadhisthana chakra is aligned, everything flows through us without judgement. Once you realise this emotion within you, you will be able to deepen it even more and express more of your desires. This is the only true way to restore balance and harmony.

  • Orange Colour

The orange colour represents sunrise; symbolically, this is exactly what will happen within you once the energy centre is aligned. This colour alludes to rising consciousness, and it is the chakra that can help you create the life you want to live with meaningful relationships along the way. Furthermore, you will enjoy balanced energy, high self-confidence, and plenty of happiness!

  • Signs of an imbalanced sacral chakra

Whenever this sacral chakra is not balanced, you can immediately feel it. As it is deeply connected to our emotions, this is the chakra that can make you feel weak on a spiritual level. You can become incredibly sensitive, experience anxiety symptoms, have an overall disrupted energy flow and may even have an onset of depression. Another sign of an imbalanced 2nd chakra is the fear of losing control over a relationship or experiencing compulsive or obsessive behaviour. In some cases, it can even have an impact on the balance of your career.

  • Physical signs of an imbalanced sacral chakra

Some of the physical signs of the chakra can easily manifest on the body, both inside and out. The reason this is happening is because of the disrupted energy flow that is happening within the body. The following symptoms may occur whenever this chakra is out of line:

  • Chronic pain in the lower back
  • Reproductive issues
  • Impotence
  • UTIs
  • Issues with the bladder and kidneys

         Lower abdominal or pelvic issues

  • Physical signs of an imbalanced sacral chakra

Some of the physical signs of the chakra can easily manifest on the body, both inside and out. The reason this is happening is because of the disrupted energy flow that is happening within the body. The following symptoms may occur whenever this chakra is out of line:

  • Chronic pain in the lower back
  • Reproductive issues
  • Impotence
  • UTIs
  • Issues with the bladder and kidneys
  • Lower abdominal or pelvic issues
  • How to open the Svadhisthana chakra?

Whenever you start feeling the onset of these symptoms, you can always take some steps to make yourself better. The first step toward improving the flow of energy in the body is to find the issue’s core. Once you notice that the chakra is blocked, you can take some steps to establish the balance once again. You need to remember that energy needs to flow freely through your body, and you should do everything in your power to achieve that.

Here are some meditation techniques and yoga poses that can help restore the proper function of the Svadhisthana chakra

Svadhisthana chakra
  • Meditation for Svadhisthana chakra

Meditation can play an important role in both balancing and unblocking the chakras. There are several chakra meditation techniques available, and the good thing is that they are very similar to general meditation techniques. For instance, you can try the Sukhasana, where you sit with your eyes closed and your spine long, focusing on the energy point. Some VAM chants may be beneficial as well! Doing so can help restore your focus and let go of all the negative patterns you have adapted to.

  • Trikonasana for Svadhisthana chakra

This is a very good yoga pose that can provide that extra bit of stretch to your spine. In addition, it can also stimulate the spleen and the liver. Other than helping with the alignment, it can increase the flow of blood through the body, and it can tone the back and abdominal muscles as well. As an added plus, you can also try out the Goddess Pose, Reverse Warrior Pose or the Seated Forward Bend.

yoga teacher training

Working on your Svadhisthana chakra will allow you to get back to yourself and start being in touch with your emotions and sexuality. Other than feeling the flow of energy through your body once more, you will be able to give pleasure a priority in your life, and you will start visualising and achieving all your wants and needs in a relationship.

If you want to read something more about chakras, browse through our blog!

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